Saturday, November 8, 2008

Good Works Working Awards-

Of course, like many here, I stared this blog mainly because of the inspiration of blogs such as Adam Brickley's site (I follow his site, just google him and you will find it.
I saw his site earlier this year and was SURE based upon his research that Gov. Palin, if selected would seal the deal for McCain (after he did not immediately select Huckabee--yes, I said I supported Huckabee in the primary), the rest is history and now on to accentuating those reasons I wanted to register my cybervoice in honor of those works that are just good!
Adam Brickley gets the first award of course for being a kid with courage! Even if he's been doing this since 5 years old, his political passion and conservative blog, has grown exponentially from my first encounter, check him out on CNN of all places!!

Mighty good work he has done on behalf of the Republican Party and supporters of McCain/Palin as a citizen concerned and committed to preserving integrity. Glad you found your laptop, are feeling better and pray for your increased prosperity to come quickly!